An independent insurance agency
We are a family run, independent insurance agency established in 1979 by retired United States Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Harold Beardsley. We represent several national & regional insurance companies as either agents or brokers. Whatever your insurance needs, we will be happy to provide you a no cost, no obligation comparison and review of your insurance. We invite your inquiries.

Protect Yourself From the Unexpected
What you can expect with Oyster Bay Insurance:
Selection of the company or companies best suited to your situation.
Honesty and fairness in all our dealings.
Dependable, complete service and our availability to answer your questions.
Unparalleled Insurance Services
There's no doubt that buying insurance can be a complicated and challenging task - and the first and most important consideration of the process is deciding exactly how to make your purchase. If you choose to work with a Trusted Choice Independent Insurance Agent, you're getting a licensed professional capable of offering customized coverage from a broad range of major, proven insurance providers. ‘Customized’ means that we will tailor a solution that meets your specific needs and budget, to accommodate what you can afford while assuring protection for what you value most. As time goes on (and it will !), your needs evolve. We’re here to help as your insurance needs change. As your independent agent, we’ll always be ready to provide a comprehensive review of your coverage and recommend adjustments along the way. As members of your community, your well being, and that of your family, is important to us. Stop by to see us anytime.

Harold Beardsley

Janet Maiorello

James Kempster

Mary Maiorello
To speak with one of our agents, please call our agency Monday-Friday between 8:30am and 4:30pm.
For your convenience, you may also reach us by fax or send us a message in the space provided.
27 Pine Hollow Rd, P.O. Box 630,
Oyster Bay, NY 11771
Tel: (516) 922-9131
Fax: (516) 922-9014